Why Professional Rubbish Removal Is Often Better Than A Council Clean-Up

A lot of councils throughout Australia offer a collection service for a variety of different rubbish items. This can be very helpful for those who are cleaning out their home, but at the same time, it is a vastly inferior service to ones offered by rubbish removal services. If you have a very specific need or don't fall within the stricter regulations and rules of a council clean-up, then you will need to use these professional services. Here are a few reasons why they are so much better and how they are good bang for your buck.

You Choose The Time

Maybe you have a deadline to hit at your lease, or you have something very important organised in the near future that you need to be ready for. A professional rubbish removal service operates on your clock. You simply pick the date and time, and they will be there. On the other hand, council clean-ups might give you a window that is a month or so away and not very specific. For those who have urgent needs that cannot be moved, this is simply not going to work. Professional rubbish removal gets your trash out of there ASAP.

Pick It Up From The House

If you have a lot of heavy rubbish, then moving it yourself can be challenging to say the least. Council clean-ups, which are also known as curbside pick-ups, require you to move everything down to the street level so that they can quickly take it away. Professionally hired clean-up companies can come up to your doorstep and get everything from its current position. Of course, it is easier for you to move everything into the same area, but you don't have to lug it down to the road in the blazing hot sun.

Wider Range Of Accepted Rubbish

Council clean-ups have different rules about eco-waste, food scraps, general rubbish and even the weight of certain objects. Rubbish removal companies have no such qualms and can remove anything and everything you want disposed of. Whether you had a massive party the night before and are throwing out all the leftover food and decorations, or you have an abundance of old furniture that you want to finally get rid of, rubbish removal contractors will be more than happy to help. While some restricted items cannot be disposed of through traditional means, such as toxic chemicals and batteries, virtually everything else can be. 
